
Resource Type


Focusing on Perpetration EVALUATION

In 2022, a report by Professor Michael Flood, Lula Dembele and colleagues highlighted the critical lack of nationally representative Australian data on violence perpetration. This gap limits our ability to prevent and reduce violence effectively. WHISE...

Annual WHISE Stakeholder Engagement and Impact Survey 2023

In 2019, WHISE began purposefully collecting feedback from partners, launching the first annual Stakeholder Engagement and Impact Survey. The survey allows WHISE to better understand stakeholder needs and support women, young girls, and gender diverse...

Connecting the Dots Webinar EVALUATION

The 'Connecting the Dots' webinar explored the co-benefits of trauma-informed practice for mental wellbeing and the prevention of gender-based violence. This evaluation report details the pre & post survey findings, three month follow up data...

Implanon Training EVALUATION SNAPSHOT – 2023

In 2023, WHISE delivered training to eight practitioners on provision of long-acting reversible contraception, Implanon. The training was delivered in partnership with Sexual Health Victoria and Mornington Peninsula Shire.

Hot Topic: Menopause Information Sessions EVALUATION SNAPSHOT – 2023

This is a snapshot of the evaluation report developed for the 19 Hot Topic: Menopause Information Sessions delivered by WHISE from June - October 2023

Creating Safe and Respectful Communities: Session Two EVALUATION & SNAPSHOT

Women's Health in the South East (WHISE) collaborated with the City of Kingston to deliver a training session "Creating Safe and Respectful Communities." The session was delivered in alignment with the city's Prevention of Family...
[PDF] Egg Freezing Webinar SNAPSHOT

Egg Freezing Webinar SNAPSHOT

WHISE delivered a webinar with VARTA on egg freezing as assisted reproductive technology. This resource is a summary of the evaluation of our webinar.

IDAHOBIT Supporter Toolkit for Schools

IDAHOBIT day is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia. The day raises awareness of the violence and discrimination against LGBTQIA+ communities worldwide. This toolkit was developed as part of the Good Health...

Trans & Gender Diverse Cultural Sensitivity Training EVALUATION SNAPSHOT

In July 2022, WHISE & Thorne Harbour Health hosted a capacity-building event as part of the implementation of the Good Health Down South 2021 - 2025 strategy to improve women's sexual and reproductive health across...