Victoria is leading the way in its response to family violence. Following the release of the Royal Commission into Family Violence recommendations in late March, the Victorian Labor Government has yesterday announced how they will begin to move forward with the recommendations. Premier Daniel Andrews was quoted saying, “the Royal Commission told us there were some things that can’t wait, so we are taking urgent action to help save lives.”
This urgent action comes in the form of a $572 million investment in a statewide family violence package that will implement the 65 most urgent recommendations to come out of the Royal Commission into Family Violence. This includes $61.6 million in family violence prevention aimed at where Victorians live, work, play and learn. It will expand the Respectful Relationships program to protect the next generation, introduce Victoria’s first Gender Equality Strategy, and help local communities play their part in preventing violence.Further information of the Governments commitment will be revealed in the in the State budget to be released on the 27th of April.
More details of the announcement.
The Victorian Government has also said that they will work closely with victims and survivors, and the people and organisations that help them, to develop a comprehensive 10-year Victorian Family Violence Plan, which will be delivered later this year. Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Fiona Richardson said, “Our job is to protect victims and help them build safer futures, hold perpetrators to account in a way that changes their behaviour and work to prevent family violence from happening in the first place.”
WHISE commends the leadership of Premier Andrews and the Victorian Government and looks forward to being part of this important step.