Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) collaborated with the City of Kingston to deliver a training session “Creating Safe and Respectful Communities.”

The session was delivered in alignment with the city’s Prevention of Family Violence Action Plan and in consultation with its Prevention of Family Violence Working Group.

This is an evaluation snapshot of attendees responses.


1. Attendees better understood how family violence is defined and of the different forms of family violence.
2. All respondents rated their understanding of the drivers of family violence as high or very high following the training.
3. Everyone had high or very high understanding of how to take appropriate action to create safe and respectful communities following the training. Almost half felt their understanding was low before the training but these respondents increased their understanding following the training.
4. Attendees increased their confidence to recognise the signs of FV, to take action in their workplace, to be an upstander in their community and to take action to create safety and respect.
5. A key learning for one participant was “To listen and not always try to give advice or solve the person’s problem.”