
Women’s Health Services call for the next Victorian Government to maintain momentum for Gender Equity
The Women’s Health Services released today their 2022 Victorian Election Platform. The platform puts forward three key actions and areas of work to improve women’s health and wellbeing in Victoria. “All of the Victorian Women’s Health Services agree,” says Kit McMahon, CEO, Women’s Health in the South East. “We need to keep the momentum of…

Women’s health movement calls for sustained focus on gender equality and health equity
The 12 Victorian Women’s Health Services met on Tuesday 13 September to mark progress of work for gender equality and make a call for all parties and government to sustain the commitments of preventing family violence, of continuing to invest in intersectional gender equity and, to drive change in our health system so it is…

Victorian Abortion Sector Statement on Roe v. Wade, 27 June 2022
*originally published on the Women’s Health Victoria website Abortion in Australia is legal, and must remain accessible There is no place for misinformation and stigma in healthcare The Victorian abortion sector is extremely concerned to see the news that landmark abortion access legislation in America, known as Roe v. Wade, has been overturned. Abortion is…

Women’s Health Services Unite on Roe V Wade
Women’s Health Services across Victoria have issued a response condemning the imminent overturning of Roe v Wade, expressing solidarity with women and people with a uterus in the United States and calling upon the state and federal governments throughout Australia to expand the provision of affordable abortion through adequate funding and prioritisation of women’s sexual…

Women’s Health and Wellbeing Benefits From Victorian Budget 2022-23
Women’s Health in the South East is excited to report that health promotion and primary prevention of women’s health in our region will be strengthened through additional funding provided to the service through the Victorian State Budget 2022-23. “While we are relieved about this announcement, we are also incredibly excited about the opportunity it provides…

Victorian Women are sick of small change: Underinvestment in women’s health increases illness and depression
Today, CEOs of Victoria’s 12 women’s health services, along with Rainbow Health Australia, are calling for an immediate uplift in investment to secure the health and wellbeing of Victorian women, following the release of alarming data which shows Victorian women have gotten sicker, more anxious and depressed since the commencement of the COVID19 pandemic. Representing…

A Call for Investment in Women’s Health Amid Concerns About the Return to School
Women continue to bear the emotional burden of the Pandemic and lack investment in prevention. Local Women’s Health Service, Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) is raising concerns about the increased mental load that women in community are carrying with schools returning and the transition to “COVID normal”. “While it is great news that…

National plan to end violence against women released
WHISE encourages stakeholders, partners and members to have their say The next National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032 (the Plan) has been released in draft for public comment. Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) is encouraging members to have their say on this next plan as it forms a keystone…

The Makings of the new Mandala
WHISE has a new website and nestled amongst the pages are bold and shadow images of a new mandala. Mandala is a Sanskrit word that loosely translates to mean ‘circle’ or ‘centre’ and is a geometric configuration of symbols in a circular design with repeating patterns, colours and shapes radiating from the centre. Mandalas are often used in various spiritual traditions to aid…