
Training for Respect - prevalence study post (2)

Are we training for respect? A Study into the Incidence and Drivers of Workplace Gendered Violence in Victorian Registered Training Organisations

Introduction Welcome to the information page for the study “Are We Training for Respect?”, which is part of the broader Training for Respect project. This initiative, led by Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE), aims to understand and address workplace gendered violence in Victorian Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). Your participation is crucial in helping…


WHISE welcomes new CEO for Respect Victoria, thanks current leadership for their partnership

In light of the recent surge in media coverage of gender-based violence and the urgent need for effective measures to address this crisis, Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) has warmly welcomed the appointment of Helen Bolton as the new CEO of Respect Victoria.  Kit McMahon, CEO of WHISE, stated, “The Board of Respect…

Sign at protest that says "Woman, also human"

WHISE Calls for Action: Championing Gender Equality and Respect After Yarra Valley Grammar Incident

In the wake of the deeply disturbing incident at Melbourne’s Yarra Valley Grammar School involving the objectification of female students, Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) recognises the need for a community-wide discussion centered around a positive future vision for young men and boys.  Kit McMahon, CEO of WHISE, acknowledged the gravity of the…

Stock image of a woman in the background, slightly blurred with her hand holding a note that says 'PAY EQUAL' in the foreground

WHISE welcomes release of pay gap data, launches resource on how to close gap on International Women’s Day

The recent release of gender pay gap data from 5,000 private sector employers by the national Women’s Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) has sparked heightened interest, with its unveiling marking a substantial advancement in our collective efforts to promote gender equality. “More than just the release of the data is the discussion and debate that surrounds…

Thumbnail image that reads: MEDIA Release, Training for Respect Project

Training for Respect partnership to address gendered violence in Victoria’s Vocational and Education Training Sector

Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) is leading a groundbreaking initiative, as a new large-scale project funded by the Victorian Government, to combat workplace gendered violence.   Supported by WorkSafe Victoria’s WorkWell Respect Fund, the project “Training for Respect” aims to establish a sustainable infrastructure for Victoria’s adult education and training sector to address and…


Report Launch: Economic Benefits of Investing in Gender Equity for Better Health

The Victorian Women’s Health Services have launched a landmark report that outlines the economic return that investment in the Women’s Health Services sector has to Victoria. Return on Equity: Health and economic dividends from investing in Women’s Health was commissioned by the sector and authored by Dr Angela Jackson, Lead Economist of Impact Economics and Policy. The…

2023.08.31 MR - National ED Strategy

Media Release: WHISE Applauds National Eating Disorders Strategy for Focus on Prevention and Lived Experience

Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) welcomes the launch of the National Eating Disorders Strategy 2023 – 2033, an initiative aimed at transforming the landscape of eating disorder support and awareness across Australia.   As a passionate advocate for women’s health and gender equity, WHISE supports the strategy’s goals, which encompass prevention, early intervention, culturally…


Supporting our Critical Friends

Prevention of Violence Against Women Lead, Danielle McCaffrey and Health Promotion Officer, Yihan Li are re-invigorating the Critical Friends Network to ensure that those working in our schools, under the Respectful Relationships initiative, have the support and encouragement they need. The Respectful Relationships initiative is a whole-school approach to the prevention of family and gender-based violence…


Time for Equal Access in Discrimination Claims

We all deserve to be safe at work and free from discrimination and sexual harassment. While sexual harassment is pervasive across all industries and all employment levels in Australia, it is not inevitable. The Australian Government has the power to prevent discrimination and sexual harassment by adopting an equal access costs model to ensure that…