Resource Type

Intersectionality – Translation of theory to practice
Respect Victoria presentation on Intersectionality and the translation of theory to practice.

Our Watch Changing the picture & Prevention In Action
Our Watch presentation on the evolution of intersectionality frameworks in Victorian primary prevention.

Dhelk Dja: Safe Our Way – Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families
Dhelk Dja: Safe Our Way - Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families builds on the decades of leadership by Aboriginal leaders, communities and services in Victoria to prevent and address family violence.

Gender, Intersectionality & Ableism Community of Practice Evaluation Snapshot
This Community of Practice took a specific focus on disability and ableism and provided an opportunity to explore intersecting forms of discrimination and disadvantage, and move to effective practice in our region, for the prevention...

Intersectionality and Diverse Communities Snapshot
WHISE, on behalf of the Preventing Violence Together partnership, presented a webinar called Intersectionality and Diverse Communities: From Theory to Practice. The webinar took a close look at the origins of intersectionality.

Aboriginal Selfdetermination: A safer future Snapshot
In Feb 2020, WHISE launched the first Communities of Practice (CoP) on intersectionality and diverse communities. A best-practice approach to intersectional work must commence with Australia’s colonial history and the prevention of violence against Aboriginal...