In July 2022, WHISE & Thorne Harbour Health hosted a capacity-building event as part of the implementation of the Good Health Down South 2021 – 2025 strategy to improve women’s sexual and reproductive health across the Southern Metropolitan Region.

The online capacity-building session was delivered to healthcare and community service professionals. It increased workforce capacity to create culturally appropriate and inclusive services for Trans and Gender Diverse clients and consumers.


Following the forum, there was an increase in participants’ knowledge of:

  • the social determinants of the health and wellbeing of trans and gender diverse people (from 18% rating their understanding as high or very high pre-training, to 83% post-training).
  • appropriate language to ensure trans and gender diverse consumers feel included and welcome (from 26% rating their understanding as high or very high pre-training, to 92% post-training).
  • the legislative and legal requirements to respect and recognise gender identity (from 8% rating their understanding as high or very high pre-training, to 83% post-training).