


WOMEN’S HEALTH IN THE SOUTH EAST (Inc) ABN 90 641 895 966 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of the Members of Women’s Health in the South East, Inc (WHISE) will be held at 2.00pm on Tuesday 28th of November 2017, at Punthill Apartment Hotels Dandenong, 157-163 Lonsdale…


Announcement for WHISE Chief Executive Officer Appointment

It gives me immense pleasure to be able to announce that Kit McMahon has accepted the role of Chief Executive Officer of WHISE. Kit is a skilled, passionate accountable leader and feminist with senior executive experience in not for profit, public and private sectors. She has built organisational, community and industry-wide capacity during times of…


Fiona’s legacy to continue

Statement from Daniel Andrews MP: Our great Labor family is still mourning the loss of Fiona Richardson, Australia’s first Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence. Fiona leaves big shoes to fill (despite her tendency to speak in parliament without wearing them). Today, I decided who could best take on Fiona’s important responsibilities in Cabinet…


Vale Fiona Richardson MP


Families living with mice and mould

  Some of the most vulnerable women in our community are living in poor, unsafe and unhealthy housing conditions and feel unable to speak out for fear of getting evicted from their rental homes. As we celebrate Refugee Week and the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society, it’s also very important to raise…


Challenge masculinity for men’s health

Written by Megan Bugden, Health Promotion Coordinator, WHISE There is often an assumption that as a women’s health service our work focuses only on women. However, at Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE), we acknowledge the important role of the men in our lives and how the health of men impacts positively and/or negatively…


Taking a stand for women’s sexual and reproductive health

Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) is set to develop a sexual and reproductive health strategy and action plan for the Southern Metropolitan Region (SMR). “As we celebrate the International Day of Action for Women’s Health, it’s a timely reminder for women and girls to prioritise their sexual and reproductive health,” says WHISE CEO,…


Celebrating remarkable women: A call for nominations

Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) is calling for nominations for outstanding women in the Southern Metropolitan Region. International Women’s Day is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. To mark the occasion, WHISE, Bentleigh Bayside Community Health and partners will host an award ceremony to acknowledge the…


Remember this face?

Image: Tracy Connelly, who was brutally murdered in July 2013.   This article was written by Rachel Lennon from Women’s Health in the South East during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign. Warning: This article contains graphical depictions of violence that may cause distress. 16 Days of Activism is a campaign designed by the United Nations…