Promoting Respect and Equity Together 2021-2025 (PRET) is the second regional strategy for the prevention of gendered violence. It follows the first strategy, Preventing Violence Together 2016-2021 (PVT).
The strategy has evolved over six years, from building a case for collective action and building the capability of practitioners in the region to undertaking primary prevention initiatives, strengthening and growing the partnership, and ensuring best practice in identified areas of work across the region.
This evaluation reflects on the first 2 years of the PRET strategy. It addresses the objectives of year 1 and 2, evaluating the outcomes of our work.
These outcomes included:
Objective 1: Work collectively to increase the variety of sectors and settings that engage with the strategy implementation to prevent violence against women in the region.
Objective 2: To foster organisational cultures that embed the principles of PVAW/GE throughout the organisation.
Objective 3: To strengthen workforce capacity in PVAW/GE.
Objective 4: To identify, and disseminate emerging evidence-based research, for the translation into effective practice for PVAW/GE.
Objective 5: To maximise collaborative partnership opportunities between partner organisations in the SMR through working groups and learning forums.