
Resource Type


PRET Action Plan – Year one and two

This is the Action Plan for the first two years of the Promoting Respect and Equity Together regional strategy. Promoting Respect and Equity Together 2021-2025 (PRET) is the second regional strategy for the prevention of...

Critical Friends Network Training EVALUATION – April 2024

The Critical Friends’ network had been revitalized over 2023 through the tireless efforts of Yihan Li Health Promotion Officer at Women’s Health in the South East. During this time, Yihan recruited a number of new...

Promoting Respect and Equity Together Year 3 & 4 Action Plan

Promoting Respect & Equity Together – A Strategy to End Gendered Violence in the Southern Metropolitan Region 2021-2025 (PRET) is the second primary prevention strategy for the region. It builds on the work of its...

2024 Promoting Respect and Equity Together Lived Experience FRAMEWORK & PANEL

The Promoting Respect and Equity Together regional prevention of gender-based violence strategy for the Southern Metropolitan Region brings together over 30 organisations. These primary prevention organisations and practitioners work to address the drivers of gender-based...

National Higher Education Code to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence SUBMISSION

Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education On 23 February 2024, Education and Higher Education Ministers released the Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education. This Action Plan builds on the National Plan...

Focusing on Perpetration EVALUATION

In 2022, a report by Professor Michael Flood, Lula Dembele and colleagues highlighted the critical lack of nationally representative Australian data on violence perpetration. This gap limits our ability to prevent and reduce violence effectively. WHISE...

Connecting the Dots Webinar EVALUATION

The 'Connecting the Dots' webinar explored the co-benefits of trauma-informed practice for mental wellbeing and the prevention of gender-based violence. This evaluation report details the pre & post survey findings, three month follow up data...

Creating Safe and Respectful Communities: Session Two EVALUATION & SNAPSHOT

Women's Health in the South East (WHISE) collaborated with the City of Kingston to deliver a training session "Creating Safe and Respectful Communities." The session was delivered in alignment with the city's Prevention of Family...

Critical Friends Network Evaluation Report (Consultations Feb 2024)

Respectful Relationships (RR) is a whole-school approach to the prevention of family and gender-based violence. It aims to create a culture of respect and equality now, and to change the story of family violence for...