

In February, on behalf of the PVT Partnership, WHISE launched the first Communities of Practice (CoP) on intersectionality and diverse communities. 

The aim of our launch event was to support the prevention of violence against our First Nations women and children. We were honoured to have key matter experts present to us from Our Watch, Family Safety Victoria and Department of Health and Human Services. 

The event highlighted both the drivers and contributing factors of family violence experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children, as well as the solutions. There is no single ‘cause’ of violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women; however, research and consultation reveal three underlying drivers that intersect to produce such high levels of this violence (see image below). Prevention work should be guided by several critical principles, including community-ownership, cultural safety and non-Aboriginal organisations being allies in this work. 

The drivers of violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women

Our Watch (2018) Changing the picture: A national resource to support the prevention of violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their children, Our Watch, Melbourne.

Please take the time to look at the national research Changing the Picture from Our Watch, and the State Strategy for self-determination Dhelk Dja.


Download snapshot [PDF: 786KB]


Resources from Aboriginal Self-determination: A safer future

Family Safety Victoria and Dhelk Dja Presentation
Download presentation [PDF: 3MB] 

Our Watch Presentation
Download presentation [PDF: 1.33MB]

General Resources

Changing the Picture 

Dhelk Dja

Everyone Matters

Our Watch Presentation
Our Watch at Gender Equity Victoria’s Forum called Under the Radar: Contemporary Challenges for Prevention of Violence Against Women Practitioners – 2019



