

Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) warmly welcome the support announced today from the Victorian Government to continue the work across our region to prevent violence against women.

“On behalf of our 35 partners in the Southern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne we thank the Minister for Women and the Victorian Government for this support and also the investment to support mental health during the coronavirus”. Said Kit McMahon, CEO of WHISE

The Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams said earlier today “We’ve already announced a multi-million dollar package to help manage the family violence impacts of coronavirus – this additional funding is about keeping the sector running so they can deliver that all important help.”

“Research shows that during times of crisis family violence can increase. It is more important than ever that the health services that support women and families continue have the resources they need to keep Victorians safe.” Said Minister Williams

WHISE is one of 12 women’s health services across Victoria. For over 10 years, WHISE and colleagues have been working with community, local agencies and organisations to prevent violence against women.

“We proudly partner with local regional and statewide organisations to create change and impact. With our partners we have developed resources and tools to support gender equality in the workplace and prevent violence against women, delivered capacity and capability building programs to over 2500 participants and supported and built awareness across our diverse communities.” Said Kit McMahon

WHISE continues to provide services and support to the community during the Pandemic. “We are still providing opportunities for collaboration and developing capability –whether it’s through adapting our programs to deliver digitally or promotion quality advice and information for women’s health through the pandemic, our team and partners are still working,” said Kit McMahon

For further information on the work of WHISE and prevention of violence against women in the Southern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne, please go to the WHISE website –

Media contact: Doseda Hetherington · (03) 9794 8677 · ·

