
Media Release: Call for Continued investment in Health Promotion and Primary Prevention
Victorian Government Enters Final Phase of 10-year Plan for Change As the public consultation on “Strong foundations: building on Victoria’s work to end family violence” closes, WHISE (Women s Health in the South East) has contributed an in-depth submission to the Victorian Government as it seeks input to help identify the actions it should prioritise…

Training for Respect partnership to address gendered violence in Victoria’s Vocational and Education Training Sector
Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) is leading a groundbreaking initiative, as a new large-scale project funded by the Victorian Government, to combat workplace gendered violence. Supported by WorkSafe Victoria’s WorkWell Respect Fund, the project “Training for Respect” aims to establish a sustainable infrastructure for Victoria’s adult education and training sector to address and…

WHISE joins 3CR Tuesday Breakfast to chat about 16 Days of Activism
WHISE CEO Kit McMahon is welcomed back to 3CR to chat to the Tuesday Breakfast team. They discuss our 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign and the role healthcare services can play. Kit McMahon chats about how WHISE works to support the health system and understanding of the impacts of family violence. She…

The State of Women’s Health & Wellbeing in the Southern Metropolitan Region
Key Statistics for the Southern Metropolitan Region Mental Health – anxiety and self-harm Access to SRH Services Unpaid Care Family Violence Rates Mental Health – anxiety and self-harm Percent of residents who have mental health conditions by gender – 2021 Census Casey, Cardinia, Dandenong Females – between 7.7% and 12.6% Males – between 5.3% and…

16 Days of Activism: WHISE on Community Block, Southern FM
On Tuesday 22 November 2022, the team at Community Block invited WHISE to talk about this year’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gendered-Violence campaign on Southern FM 88.3. 16 Days of Activism is a global, annual campaign that begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and ends on…

Women in the South East welcome support from the Victorian Government
Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE) warmly welcome the support announced today from the Victorian Government to continue the work across our region to prevent violence against women. “On behalf of our 35 partners in the Southern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne we thank the Minister for Women and the Victorian Government for this support…

Community sector launches free resource to help workplaces respond to family violence
Today, leading Victorian experts from the Women’s Community Services Sector are launching a resource for business to help them take action to end family violence. The resource will help workplaces choose the right training and consultancy services to build their capacity to address gender equity and family violence. “This free resource has been developed collaboratively…