

WHISE is proud to announce and share to our partners, stakeholders and community  our new Strategic Plan. Launched at our AGM on the 26th of October, the new plan is the result of significant and deep reflection by our organisation and key partners, investigation into the value and hopes that our members and partners have for their local Women’s Health Service and, robust discussion with our Board and staff on the next phase of WHISE.

WHISE Strategic Plan 2023-28

The New Plan – Key Highlights

The plan builds strengthens our past vision to see “A region where gender equality is everybody’s experience, empowering women and girls to be safe, healthy and thriving”  and this will be achieved through the following objectives:

    • Everyone in our region experiences gender equality in their daily lives.
    • Women and girls in our region have access to gender-informed and appropriate healthcare.
    • Women and girls in our region have access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services and information.
    • Women and girls in our region live free of gendered violence, and in a healthy sustainable environment.

Building on the legacy of our work the strategy is based on a theory of change that will have WHISE deliver work across three pillars:

    • Inclusion – to build practices internally and externally that are intersectional so that we enable ways of working that decolonise, are anti-racist, embrace non-binary definition of gender, centre the lived experience of marginalisation and enact climate justice
    • Impact – to ensure that our work is valued and understood, that we are respected, trusted and influential across our region, that our partnerships and collaborations are transformative, that we build the evidence base through measurement that is impactful and systemic, that our workplace culture is innovative and adaptive and that we work to dismantle systems and strengthen intersectional practice
    • Sustainability – so our staff are skills supported and resilient, that we have a consolidates and robust funding base with income pathways, we are environmentally sustainable, that our staff and board reflect the community we service and that we consistently embody our values through our operational practice.

Key to our success however will be the values and operating principles which will be core to how we work and operate.

Our values in our new plan comprise:

    • Curiosity
    • Collaboration
    • Authenticity
    • Feminist Leadership

Our Core Operating Principles are:

    • Intersectional feminism
    • Compassion
    • Lived experience

WHISE would like to extend their sincere and deep thanks to all involve and pay a specific and special thanks to Julie Kun, from Julie Kun Consulting who supported, guided and enabled our discussions over the last 9 months.

We look forward to realising this new strategic plan with our colleagues partners, community and members.

