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Analysis of the 2022-23 Victorian State Budget – What Does this Mean For Women in the South East?

There is much to celebrate in this budget from the Victorian Government. Additional funding has been provided to the Women’s Health Services for the next two years and this is in partnership with additional measures...

Choosing Family Violence and Gender Equity Training Providers

A Tool for employers, Human Resources and learning professionals

16 Days of Activism 2018 – WHISE Social Media Campaign Report

WHISE and partners have chosen to promote the 16 Days of Activism campaign in cafes throughout the Southern Metropolitan Region. Cafes play an important role in the community of bringing people together and promoting messages...

16 Days of Activism 2020 – WHISE Social Media Campaign Report

In 2020, the focus of WHISE’s social media campaign was to explore what respect means and how people can take positive action, for example, modelling respect or stepping up when you hear disrespectful behavior. This...

16 Days of Activism – Values-based Messaging

Womens Health in the South East (WHISE) hosted a lunchtime session as part of 16 Days of Activism. Mark Chenery from Common Cause Australia presented a practical session on why and how to use effective...

16 Day of Activism – Social Media Toolkit

WHISE has compiled a social media toolkit for people looking to participate in 16 Days of Activism. The aim of this toolkit is to assist individuals and organisations to promote consistent messaging about the campaign...

Gender Equality in the Workplace Toolkit

The Preventing Violence Together Partnership has developed a step-by-step Toolkit to clearly guide partners on their gender equity journey, starting with building leadership commitment and working towards affecting community change through implementing targeted actions and...

GenVic Gender, Disaster & Resilience: A gender equal road to recovery

PAEC Inquiry into the Victorian Response to the COVID- 19 Pandemic - July 2020.

Impacts of COVID 19 on women’s mental health and recommendations for action – UPDATE October 2020

An update from the Women’s Mental Health Alliance on the impacts of COVID19 on women’s mental health, incorporating data gathered since the publication of their first policy brief in June 2020.