Promoting Respect and Equity Together
What is Promoting Respect and Equity Together (PRET)?
PRET is our second regional strategy to end gendered violence in the Southern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne (2021 - 2025).
It was developed in partnership with over 38 organisation’s across the Southern Metropolitan Region and follows on from the work of the first regional strategy, Preventing Violence Together 2016-2021.
The PRET strategy consolidates the work across the region to promote equitable and respectful relationships whereby gender equity thrives, and gendered violence is called out and eliminated.
WHISE and PRET partners see this current strategy as a dynamic mechanism through which all partners involved will continue to innovate, strengthen and align work across the South East region to prevent gendered violence and promote gender equity.
Communities of Practice
WHISE has a commitment to building the capacity and capability of our regional workforce through sharing knowledge and emerging practice.
Under the Preventing Violence Together (PVT) 2016-2021 strategy, WHISE hosted two Communities of Practice, relevant resources for these can be found below:
Intersectionality and Diverse Communities
The purpose of the Intersectionality and Diverse Communities (I&DC) CoP, is to consolidate understanding of the impact of intersecting forms of discrimination and disadvantage and move towards sharing best-practise for the advancement of gender equality and prevention of violence against women in our region.
For all evaluation snapshots, webinars and resources related to this community of practice, head to the resources page.
Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality
This CoP looks at men's roles in building gender equality. In particular it looks to coordinate and align regional efforts to challenge gender stereotypes, norms, attitudes and behaviours that underlie and perpetuate inequality.
One of the primary objectives of the CoP this year (June 2020 - June 2021), is the sharing of programs in our region, which are designed to shape healthy gender norms and attitudes for Australian men and boys.
For all evaluation snapshots, webinars and resources related to this community of practice, head to the resources page.
Regional Data Snapshots – Southern Metropolitan Region
Research has established that the root cause of violence against women is largely as a result of gender inequality, and the factors that continue to disadvantage women. Factors such as cultural norms, social expectations and the many inequitable economic policies that disadvantage women as well as attitudes towards women.
WHISE has compiled a number of regional data snapshots that not only highlight family violence rates and sexual offences incidents within each local government area but also reveal what gender inequality looks like by presenting information about caring responsibilities and income levels for men and women.
For the regional data snapshots, head to our resources page.
Primary Prevention Activities
In the Southern Metropolitan Region
In 2019, the Preventing Violence Together (PVT) partners expressed the need for clear visibility of regional primary prevention activities in the Southern Metropolitan Region (SMR).
WHISE has created a digital mapping tool to capture primary prevention activities in our region.
To assist you to navigate the map, the stars indicate the PVT partners and the pins indicate projects undertaken.
Primary Prevention Activities in the SMR