The WOMHEn Project

Building Confidence in our Public Health Systems

Women's Health in the South East (WHISE) has established a new multilingual health educator team. The team will be working closely with South East Asian, migrant and refugee women throughout the Southern Metropolitan Region of Victoria to:

  1. Listen and learn from women experiencing intersectional disadvantage in the community about their health and wellbeing, providing support and referral where possible.
  2. Provide health education to community, raise awareness of COVID-19 and reduce vaccine hesitancy.
  3. Collect evidence of the health and wellbeing of women in the community, their lived experience through the pandemic.
  4. Enable WHISE and the sector more broadly, to identify and redress power structures inherent in the health system and structures, that reinforce inequality


Funded by the Victorian Government through the ‘Working for Victoria’ program, the health education team are part of a state wide project called The WOMHEn Project (Workforce of Multilingual Health Educators).

WOMHEn focuses on good health promotion within migrant communities. WHISE is also proud to be a part of the Victorian Government's COVID Ambassador Program which has provided additional support to further resource our work to reduce vaccine hesitancy.

Supporting Women in our Community

Our team are working in the community now, delivering information sharing sessions, free of charge, now.

If you would like to organise an information session in your area for your community please contact WHISE and register your interest.

Resources and Tools

Please feel free to use the following flyers and posters in and around your office to assist in communication to your community.


Building Vaccine Confidence


COVID-19 and Women’s Health


Mental Health and Wellbeing